Thursday, March 19, 2009

Is unit testing a second class citizen?

[This was originally posted at]

Especially with the successful track record of unit tests, no project wants to be caught rejecting the notion of "unit testing your software". However, for many projects, unit testing seems like a second-class citizen. Sure, people speak the buzzwords, but they don't actually believe it, hence they diminish unit tests as some secondary thing unworthy of time or resources, as opposed to "real code".

  1. Will developers actually spend time writing unit tests while they develop a feature (not just as an afterthought)?
  2. Will developers (including architects) design their code such that it's conducive to unit testing?
  3. Will a broken test get a manager's attention, or is it just some nuance to be worked around?
  4. When a business logic bug is found, is there enough of an infrastructure such that you could write a unit test to catch it (the test initially fails because the code is broken, then passes once you fix the bug)?
  5. Will developers invest mental energy in learning to write better tests, such as reading blogs or books on testing, or experimenting with better testing techniques?
  6. Will developers write unit tests even when no-one's looking, or is it just some "tax" to appease an architect or manager?
  7. Will management support the hardware for it, like having an external build server with the right software (while NUnit is free, MSTest still requires a VS license)?
  8. Will a broken unit test cause the build to fail?
  9. During code reviews, will other devs review your unit tests, similar to how a QA person reviews functionality?
  10. Do your amount of unit tests increase as the rest of the project grows?
  11. Is the team concerned with code coverage?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

You know management is going to ask for it

[This was originally posted at]

Time is precious, so it's natural to always be on the lookout for short-cuts. But certain short-cuts end up being anything but short, costing you far more later than if they had just been done up front. In other words, even if management promises "don't waste your time on it", you know that they'll come back to you and ask for it:

  • Cross-browser web applications - they say "just worry about IE for now", only to want FireFox a year later.
  • Refactoring your navigation - they're going to want a page referenced from multiple places.
  • Scalability - They might say "just get it done now", but they'll want it to scale up.
  • Changing any environmental value - they may let you assume some environmental value, like the hard-drive disk volume or some url, but you know it's going to eventually change.
  • Turning static data into dynamic data - any hard-coded data (like entering a customer service phone number) is going to change.
  • Changing relationships from one to many - you want to pass in a single scalar, but really the business rules require an array (or a one-to-many database relationship).
  • Allowing client customizations and overrides -
  • Some way of doing online help documentation -

I lose track of how many changes like these happen. It's best to just always be prepared for it. Even if the manager (or client) signs of on some waterfall doc, it won't matter, because without the change they'll feel "cheated" and resent the developer.

The kicker is that with the right starting framework, tools, and code-smell, many some of these changes take roughly the same amount of time to "do right" as to hack them (like cross-browser JS or using app.config values for literals like paths), especially when it comes to total cost of ownership.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

BOOK: Framework Design Guidelines

[This was originally posted at]

A while back I finished reading Framework Design Guidelines by Krzysztof Cwalina and Brad Abrams. It's been ranked well on Amazon, and I can see why. Besides the general guidance one expects from a book like this, it had two other things that I really liked: (1) all the commentary from top .Net Architects, and (2) it provided a behind-the-scenes history of how the .Net Framework and Base Class Library came to be. Especially for practitioners who have made .Net their life (like myself), these are good things to see. I remember back when I started with .Net 1.0 in 2002, and how it's progressed from there to 1.1 and 2.0 and 3.0 and 3.5 and now "3.6" (i.e. .Net 3.5 SP1), so the book has been a good stroll down memory lane.

I'm impressed by the sheer volume of practical examples - this book is not some ivory tower theory pamphlet, but rather written from the first-hand experiences in the trenches.

I think the book got off to a strong start with "What makes a framework easy to experiment with?" As the brunt of it is a giant list of "do's" and "don'ts", it can get a little tedious at time, but it's still a very good read. I think reading an authoritative book like this also gives you a little more confidence that there's not something obvious that you're missing, as well as subtly increasing your code-smell.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

How to integrate Generated code into your application

[This was originally posted at]

Code generation is great, but sometimes it can be confusing how to integrate that generated code into your custom application. Keep in mind that an application isn't solely SQL or C#. It could include Html, ASP.Net, Xml, JavaScript, project files, and much more.

  • New file: Generate its own, new, separate file. This is the most basic way. You could then integrate it into your other files:
    • (C#) Base Class - For an OOP language like C#, you could code-generate the base class, and then have your derived classes inherit it.
    • (C#) Partial classes - Starting with .Net 2.0, C# offered partial classes which let you split the class definition across multiple physical files.
    • All: Include statements - Many languages offer a way to include one file within another. For example, ASP.Net offers server side includes, MSBuild offers the import command, HTML allows you to reference an external JavaScript, etc... (Yes, you could to this with SQL to using SqlCmds)
  • Existing file: Merge into existing file with custom regions. For example, CodeSmith offers two kinds of custom regions:
    • InsertRegion - Insert your generated code into a marked region of a custom file
    • PreserveRegion - Insert your custom code into a code-generated file.

You could also integrate CodeSmith into your builds and processes by calling the CodeSmith console app.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Refactoring SQL code with file includes and variables

[This was originally posted at]

Everyone who maintains code knows that duplicated code is bad. While OOP languages like C# (and even xml "languages" like MSBuild) provide ways to refactor, SQL seems lacking in such features. If you run a similarity-analyzer (like Simian), you can probably see large amounts of duplicated code. Two common refactoring techniques to help with this would be:

  • Dynamic include – Include one snippet within another. For example, we could have a chunk of code that is duplicated in a stored proc, and a table function.
  • Variables – We can abstract any SQL code (table names, sql commands) to a variable.

Note that mere stored procs or user-defined-functions are insufficient, as they can’t handle all snippets (like declaring variables which are used in the calling function), or they have awful performance in the where clause.

We can use a technology “SqlCmds” to accomplish this. (

How to enable Sql Commands in SqlStudio:

  • Single query window – “On the Query menu, click SQLCMD Mode.”
  • For all windows – “To turn SQLCMD scripting on by default, on the Tools menu select Options, expand Query Execution, and SQL Server, click the General page, and then check the By default open new queries in SQLCMD Mode box.”

How to enable Sql Commands in Visual Studio

This requires the database edition of Visual Studio. Click the allow "SqlCmd" button on the tool bar.

Basic variable test

--set variable, and then use it - use the ":setvar" command
:setvar SomeTable TestCodeGen
select * from $(SomeTable)


-- environmental variables too!
select '$(COMPUTERNAME)' --returns my comp name (like 'TimStall2')

This means we could have an external script set the environmental variables (like the PrimaryDataBase), and then easily re-run those in the SQL Editor. Note that you can use the free tool SetX.exe to set environmental variables.

File Include – Basic (use the “:r” command)

--File 1 (
:setvar PrimaryDB MyDatabase70

--File 2:
:r C:\Development\
select * from $(PrimaryDB).MySchema.TestCodeGen

For example, we could have a “header” file that includes a bunch of variable definitions (like all the PrimaryDB, ReportDB, etc…), and then include it wherever needed. Or, we could include any other SQL snippet. For example, we could use this to effectively make private functions (instead of only have global functions) that are encapsulated to a single stored proc.

File Include – avoid function in a where clause

--File 1 (myProc_func1.sql):
--some reusable snippet (note how is uses the variable '@myNum")
co = '1234' or NumberInteger > @myNum

--File 2:
declare @myNum integer
select @myNum = 10

select * from TestCodeGen
:r C:\Development\myProc_func1.sql
and LastChangedBy < GetDate()


One catch to all of this is that if you have your own database installation code via ADO.Net, you need to manually parse it yourself. However, that should be easy enough to do given the strict syntax of the SqlCmds.

Note that this is substituted “at compile time”. If you run the SQL Profiler, you won’t see the “:setvar” or “:r”, but rather the content already parsed. These techniques could be used to help refactor SQL code, just like similar techniques help refactor the code in other languages.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Getting source code from places other than source control

[This was originally posted at]

Of course all official code should ultimately be stored in source control (real source control, not VSS). However, when creating an automated build on a build server, getting the source code may not be as easy as just doing a single SVN checkout. There may be other steps to effectively get the latest source code:

  • Copy in other reusable blocks - Where feasible, you want avoid checking in binaries into source control when those binaries will be constantly updated. Unlike plain-text files, you can't do an effective diff on binaries - it will just look like a mess. So instead of storing just the change set, it will probably need to store the entire physical assembly - which will bloat your source control. So, say you've got a team that is actively working on a set of reusable class libraries, to be shared across multiple departments and product groups. It may make sense to have your product's build copy in those latest reusable blocks (from their build's published output) to some external folder where you store your third-party assemblies, as opposed to constantly storing the latest version in source control. (So, ultimately the reusable blocks are still stored in source control, it's just a different repository).
  • Code Generate from input files - You can use code-generation for lots of things, such as SQL base data or your data-access layer. If these files are completely code-generated (i.e. no merge regions), then you may not want to check them into source control, as you'll just face synchronization errors. For example, if you generate your data-access layer, and it's 100% determined from some set of xml files and database schema, then your build server could simply re-generate that code. If you check it into source control, then that version may be out-of-sync with what gets regenerated, and your build fails. In other words, as long as the server can already obtain the code by regenerating it, there's no reason to check it in - and risk checking in something that doesn't match what will be re-generated. (So, the generated files are effectively stored in source control via the inputs necessary to recreate them are being stored in source control).