Showing posts with label management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label management. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2013

The one ratio to rule them all

I was reading from "Good to Great", excellent book, and it mentioned one of the things successful companies did was chase a simple, single ratio. Sure, there's always more to it, but that one ratio helps focus the team. For most software departments, that ratio is something like:
(Requested Features / Incident Count ) per developer per month.
Basically, you want to crank out lots of features and have very low incidents. "Emergency" deploys, production bugs, outages – those essentially count as incidents.
All the good things either help increase requested features, or decrease incidents, and hence drive this ratio up.
Increase: Requested Features
Decrease: Incident Count
·         Application frameworks
·         Reusable blocks
·         Code generation
·         High quality, motivated, developers
·         Tools
·         etc…
·         Automated build and deployment
·         High unit testability
·         Low QA bug count
·         DevOps, application monitoring
·         Developer conscience
·         etc…

Most of the time, a team gets into trouble when it starts chasing things other than this ratio:
·         Hours on a timesheet (instead of actually producing something)
·         Face time in meetings or the office (instead of actually producing something)
·         Thinking how their manager thinks (which may not actually increase feature output)
·         High Lines-of-Code count (more codes != more features)
·         "Feeling" busy (merely feeling busy doesn't mean cranking out useful code)
·         Cool technology for the sake of cool technology  
·         Job security via undocumented process
·         Coding to show how smart you are (as opposed to code to make the requested feature)
·         Rating/grading the quality of developers (as opposed to making the business happy with working features)
·         Avoiding mistakes (as opposed to the addition of value)
Sure, these things by themselves aren't bad (avoiding mistakes and using new technology), but they are secondary to the real goal. As long as a developer – or worse, an entire team –  chases them instead of the real goal, they will always be less than great.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Lesson from the flaming BBQ - people who just get it

I was hosting a BBQ over the summer, giving me a chance to use my very rusty "grill master" skills. Stepping away from the grill for just a few moments, I looked back to see huge flames spilling out of the grill. Luckily for me, one of the guys nearby just stepped in and quickly turned down the heat. He didn't track me down and notify me of the flames, ask me if it was okay, or delay in any way – he just did it. By the time I got back to the grill and all was calm, he casually mentioned turning down the heat. He had done many BBQs before, and he just "got it".
That's what a good team wants from its developers – people who just get it. They see a fire, and deal with it. Sure they keep management informed, but they don't make management a bottleneck with and endless stream of questions. These are developers who write that extra null-check, create the defensive code that defaults to a safe value if a param is missing, make a safe business assumption for a validation rule, upload a tool or patch to a shared drive so the next guy can easily get it, you get the idea… In each case, they could do it the "wrong" way, but they risk that and do it anyway.
I think this ultimately stems from management. First, management needs an atmosphere that encourages common-sense risk. Micro-management creates an aura where developers are scared to do the slightest action without multiple levels of approval for fear that no matter how obvious it may seem, it was the wrong thing. If you see the hamburgers burning, but you're not "allowed" to touch the grill, you'll just sit and watch dinner burn, and no one wins. Second, management needs to delegate and encourage and build up developers to take such "risks".  Start small. It's much like a parent training their kids. Sure eventually someone guesses wrong (say they pick the wrong default validation rule and hence need to re-code it), but if they got the previous nine right, then your team comes out ahead. It sure beats eating charcoaled burgers because the team has been trained to only allow managers to turn down the grill.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

How is a senior developer different from a junior developer?

There is not one right answer. It’s easy to say “a senior dev knows more and does more”, but I think there’s an additional dimension – a junior dev is merely expected to code to the spec, whereas a senior dev fundamentally takes responsibility and ownership for improving everything they encounter.
Here’s a braindump; obviously my opinion. Not a complete list, and not a one-size fits all. I was light on the exact technical requirements (as that changes), and focused more on the concepts. Perhaps in another blog post I’ll do a braindump of what a senior dev is not  (i.e. how is a senior dev different than a tech lead or architect). I’m using C# and .Net as an example, but you could easily substitute those.
There’s also an interesting matrix here.
Writes good code that just works
·         Be able to code to specification is assumed. Should be able to leverage experience and past domain knowledge to fill in some gaps in a spec. Does not need everything explained in complete detail.
·         Writes working code that handles non-happy path and has low bug count. Can quickly create code – does not need to continually refer to reference documentation.
·         Codes for non-functional requirements, like performance, maintenance, testability, security, etc…
·         Can write code with the minimal length and complexity.
·         Thoroughly unit tests applicable code.
Respected by peers
·         Has written a module or tool directly used by others on the team. A senior dev does not just write code in their corner.
·         Can review other’s code and suggest improvements that others will actually implement.
·         Other developers ask for your technical opinion
·         Has built end-to-end products, through all tiers, that ran in production for multiple  releases
·         Has written 10,000+ lines of C# code that passed code review
·         Has created at least 4 different Visual Studio project types (WinForm, web, WinService, Console, etc…)
·         Has created developer tools and utilities besides just visual studio. I.e. has used a profiler or visual studio plug-in or code analyzer or code generator.
·         Has troubleshot a production security or performance error.
·         Has written multi-threaded backend code
·         Has at least 1 technical niche of expertise
Takes Responsibility
·         Does actions to make other developers better, such as writes reusable code, mentors, solves critical path problems, automates a previously manual task, etc...
·         No longer just focused on development, but helps improve the process of development.
·         Can refactor legacy code without a formal project
·         Can resolve unanticipated coding or validation problems without pulling in a more senior resource
·         Can pick up new technologies without formal training (may need formal training for an entirely new platform)
·         Continually looks for code reuse and ways to decrease technical debt.
·         Can tell management what the developer needs in order to be more productive
Has platform-specific knowledge
·         This is the standard list you’d see on a job description (“Knows threading, diagnostics, reflection, IO, etc…, Can explain 5 design patterns, etc…)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Whatever requirements we're given tomorrow, we got to get that done

I've seen a thousand hacks justified with "We got to get it done". You know the drill – copy and paste 200 lines of code, hard-code data that should be configurable, skip any automated testing, etc… Such hacks come at the expense of future flexibility (i.e. good design).
However, ironically, given the continual feature change, scope creep, and unknowns in software development, the real question becomes "Whatever requirements we're given tomorrow, we got to get that done."
This second question, the more realistic one for long-term departments, brings completely opposite connotations than the first. Instead of cranking out a feature now with no concern for maintenance costs or flexibility tomorrow, developers need to prepare – i.e. ensure they have automation, builds, reuse, etc…
Besides technical debt, the other problem I have with the "just get it done now" crowd is the false sense of nobility. Often these devs insist that they're doing a good thing (putting out a fire), but really it's just punting the problem down the road for someone else to pay while they boast how quickly they've solved it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

BOOK: Secrets to Winning at Office Politics - Part 1

[This was originally posted at]

I am more of a clumsy walrus than a suave politician, so I was fascinated with the book Secrets to Winning at Office Politics. The author conveys her points with hard-hitting stories, 2x2 windows (to show the whole context), and explicit principles. Probably one of the five best books I've read.

At least twice each chapter, I smacked myself in the head, saying "D'oh - that's what I did wrong in that situation". A general theme of the book is that politics aren't necessarily dirty and corrupt - having good political skills can actually be a service to your coworkers because you can be easier to work with and help them achieve their goals.

There were so many good quotes, that I'm splitting it into multiple blog posts.

Chapter 1: Politics is not a dirty word

  • "Our hope was that we could keep him from destroying his career."
  • "...keep them from becoming their own worst enemy" (pg. xvii)
  • "'politics' is what naturally happens whenever people with different goals, interests, and personalities try to work together." (pg 3)
  • "...not everyone is interested in promotions. Autonomy, security, responsibility, skill development, challenge, and interesting work are a few of the other rewards that people often hope to find through their jobs." (pg 5)
  • "'s pretty tough to find tutoring in office politics." (pg 6)
  • You must be able to answer the question: "How would you like things to be different?" (pg 7)
  • "Wishing is a passive activity that can easily degenerate into whining and complaining. Goals, on the other hand, help to define the actions we need to take." (pg 9)
  • There are four political types, behavior that (pg 11):
    • Helps your business and helps your personal goals --> winner
    • Helps your business and hurts your personal goals --> martyr
    • Hurts your business and helps your personal goals --> sociopath
    • Hurts your business and hurts your personal goals --> dimwit
  • "Never advanced your own interests by harming the business or hurting other people." (pg. 17)

Chapter 2: Political Intelligence and the facts of life

  • " wondered why every place he worked was filled with stupid, incompetent people." (pg. 24) --> Sure there are bad companies, but after 10 years and 3 places, if everything is still bad, you probably need to do some self reflection.
  • "Clinging to the belief that the workplace should function demographically will only doom you to frustration and disappointment." (27)
  • The organization facts of life: (pg. 27)
    • #1: Organizations are not democracies.
    • #2: Some people have more power than others.
    • #3: Virtually all decisions are subjective.
    • #4: Your boss has control over much of your life.
    • #5: Fairness is an impossible goal
  • "The person with the most power wins" (pg. 29)
  • "Getting worked up about fairness is a waste of time and politically stupid. People who are obsessed with fairness tend to whine, and nobody likes a whiner... politically intelligent people concern themselves with leverage, not fairness." (pg. 31)

Chapter 3: Forget Fairness, Look for leverage

  • "she was pulling a power play at the wrong time" (pg. 36) - with respect someone moving houses, who got angry at the movers and threatened not to pay while they still had all her furniture in their truck.
  • "Winners are able to accurately calculate the Leverage Equation in any given situation." (pg. 38)
  • "being the boss doesn't necessarily mean that you have the most leverage." (pg. 39)
  • "Never intentionally offend anyone at work." (pg. 43)
  • "'Fairness' seldom determines what happens to you at work - leverage usually does." (pg. 45)
  • "...too much passion can be dysfunctional. Dedication to your work may make you credible and persuasive, but those who are too emotionally invested in their jobs can become defensive and inflexible." (pg. 49) --> I always thought passion was good, but it's possible that good passion can be misdirected for a bad result.

More in the next post...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Most projects fail for non-technical reasons

[This was originally posted at]

I’ve seen projects fail, and it sucks. It sucks team moral, it sucks resources, and it sucks energy from other projects. Granted, there are degrees of failure, but generally a project is considered a failure when it is significantly over schedule, over budget, under quality, ships with too many bugs, or simply never even ships at all. I wouldn’t consider a project to be a failure if afterwards you find a more optimal way, or management throws the completed project away because of new business direction – in that case the project itself still succeeded.

It’s well known, and well experienced by developers, that many software projects fail. In the 80’s or 90’s, insufficient technical skill often contributed to project failure – the mere act of programming was complicated, the frameworks still young, even finding the right syntax was challenging. Today, there are powerful frameworks, open source projects to pull from, tools to assist almost any technical problem, Google, and years of precedent for most types of projects. Some may say that mere “coding” has become so easy that it’s as if platform companies like Microsoft are trying to make all developers dumb, or at least lower the bar so that anyone can develop.

Of course, projects can still fail today due to insufficient technical skills, but most of the time these days, they seem to fail for non-technical reasons: constantly changing requirements, poor communication among teams (because today’s complicated projects require lots of cross-team coordination), scope creep, bad estimation not allowing the team enough time to do it right, insufficient development infrastructure not allowing the dev team to actually build and deploy code, bureaucratic red-tape that prevents the team from procuring the right tools, poor team chemistry that results in internal conflicts, poor project management, lack of user input, etc…

Ironically, even if the project fails for these non-technical reasons, it still shows up on the technical folk’s desk. Ultimately, some manager or business sponsor hammers the developers with “Why couldn’t you build this?” Granted, a star technical team has a much better chance to handle the rapidly changing requirements, do more work with less time, or build their own tools and infrastructure “under the radar”.

The point is to be a star dev, you must push through successful projects. A dev who only does “moderate” technology on a profitable project will be viewed as far more successful than a dev who does “cool” technology on a failed project. These days, because most projects fail for non-technical (i.e. “soft”) reasons, developers who want to be stars should invest something in their soft skills.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why are developer estimates almost always short?

[This was originally posted at]

We constantly need to make estimates in software engineering. But, the ironic thing is not that our estimates are off, but rather that they're almost always short. There's a one-way bias.

I think this is because:

  • It always looks simple in our heads. Devs are overly optimistic and plan for best case scenario, and hence get caught off-guard. I mean, who would ever guess that it takes 5 hours to fix a single line of code?
  • Scope creep - The business just keeps piling on more requests (and it's hard to say "no" to the business).
  • Strong bias from managers - Most managers want the lower estimate because, regardless of whether the estimate is actually accurate, it's easier to sell to their own boss or clients. For example, in consulting it's easier to give a lower estimate to "get your foot in the door", and then gradually try to pile on more services.
  • Devs try to impress - I can't help but wonder if many devs try to impress their managers by providing a lower estimate "Sure Mr. Burns, I can get that 5 day task done tomorrow (because I'm a rock star developer... please appreciate me)"
  • It's almost expected - At least in my experience, it almost seems like (unfortunately) the industry has resigned itself to low-ball developer estimates. So the managers always just double (if the estimate is from a senior dev) or triple (if the estimate is from a junior dev).

The best solution I can think of: read and study Steve McConnell's phenomenal book on Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art.

Also see: How not to estimate, Playing estimates off each other.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

BOOK: Managing Humans

[This was originally posted at]

About two Christmases ago, I was shopping for a gift for a tech buddy. Browsing through the local Barnes & Noble, I saw this yellow book "Managing Humans". I thought to myself "what technical geek doesn't need to know better people and management skills?" Relieved to have found the perfect gift, I never thought much about that book since. Then a coworker suggested Michael Lopp's Rands in Repose blog. I was impressed with Michael's take on how "software engineers" meet "people skills", saw that it was the same guy who wrote "Managing Humans", and figured that two (indirect) endorsements for the same book, combined with my quest to improve my people skills, meant I should buy it. $16.49 and 8 days later, I had the book in my hands, and could barely put it down. With each chapter, I thought to myself "this guy really gets it".

The book is divided into 34 small chapters, each based on insightful stories based on in-the-trenches experiences. Lots of people-books offer fluff: "be nice to all your coworkers", "work hard", "always brush your teeth so your bad breath doesn't alienate your coworkers", etc... Michael bypasses the obvious and gets to the good stuff. Some of the big points I took away:

Blunt Truths

  1. "Your manager is not a manager until they've participated in a layoff." (pg. 15)
  2. "If you're sitting in a meeting where you're unable to identify any players, get the hell out." (pg. 23)
  3. "Remember that for every person on the team who has a strong opinion regarding the decision, there are probably four other coworkers who just want someone to make a decision so that they can get back to work." (pg. 28)
  4. "you aren't a company until 1.0 is done." (pg. 77)
  5. About reacting vs. thinking, and being too busy: "when you're busy, you're not thinking, you're reacting." (pg. 83)
  6. About "Malcolm Events" - "Seemingly insignificant events that are intent on screwing you in an unlikely way." (pg. 93) "The only way you're going to learn to identify potential Malcolm events is by going through some horrible, horrible experiences." (pg. 96) Part of avoiding these events is clear and tough communication that most people want to shy away from, such as team status reports that say "We're not doing Phil's favorite feature."
  7. "nothing gets everyone's attention like a deadline." (pg. 107)
  8. About finding the anchor in a meeting - "Just wait for someone to say something controversial and see who everyone looks at." (pg. 148)
  9. "Like it or not, your boss has as much effect on your career as you do" (pg. 163)
  10. "A reorg isn't over until someone important has printed out a new organizational chart and presented it in front of the entire company." (pg. 174)
  11. About outsourcing your job - "You could be outsourced because your job is so richly defined that it can be documented and explained to any reasonable professional on the planet..." (pg. 179) "Jobs that can be 'well specified' are being shipped offshore." (pg. 183)
  12. "A micromanager does not trust." (pg. 189)
  13. "Guy who knows the people are the business." (pg. 190)

Other misc quotes

  1. "you are not talking to a person when you talk with your manager; you are talking to the organization." (pg. 11)
  2. "understanding your manager's place in the political food chain is the trickiest because you're often not in the meetings where he is interacting with his superiors." (pg. 14)
  3. "In any freakout, there is normally a very noisy preamble which is designed to get your attention." (pg. 18)
  4. "your job is not just management of people, it's management of information." (pg. 105)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Three basic communication tips

[This was originally posted at]

I am certainly no communication or "people" expert, which is probably why wiser people in my life have explicitly offered me three good rules for communicating with others. I think these rules apply in the corporate world as well, so it makes a good blog post (because I can't just blog about normal life-issues unless I can somehow apply it to software engineering).

Connect the dots - In software programming, we must explicitly spell every step. Sure you can refactor and abstract things out, or use third-party software to spare you from writing it - but somehow, every step must be flushed out in detail. This is great for a robust program, but it will drive real people insane (i.e. managers, business analysts, customers, and executives who write your paycheck). They'll just think you're being clueless, are inexperienced, or a smart aleck. When dealing with actual people, we need to be able to use our background knowledge of the situation to connect the dots.

Don't wait to be asked - It takes effort to ask for something, and people don't like exerting effort, so anytime you can "just know" and do the right thing (perhaps because you know the bigger picture of what they're trying to do), people are going to appreciate it.

  • For example, say you see a simple bug in the code. It's a safe change and the release isn't for a while. The savvy developer doesn't need to ask their manager "can I fix this bug" - they just do it (and maybe submit a ticket if their company's process requires that). Often just making the fix can be quicker than asking. (Of course common sense applies, don't go "fixing" mission-critical production code that's out of your scope).
  • It seems like only junior resources ask "What can I do to help?"- the senior ones already know.

Of course, it's reasonable to pro-actively notify a manager "I see A, B, and C. I know you're busy, so I'll assume I should start working on 'B' first because of reasons XYZ. Just let me know if you'd like to switch tasks". This lets your manager reply with a 1 word email like "great", and managers like being able to delegate entire tasks with 1-word emails.

"Connecting the dots" and "Don't wait to be asked" are related. Think of this as not needing to be micromanaged.

Translate what people say. There is a world of difference between someone's words and what they actually mean. Whether they've made a simple typo, using poor word choice, or they're struggling to articulate something - it's a big personal win if you can "see the forest through the trees" and know what they mean. You can do this by leveraging context, know where they're trying to go, and having familiarity with what it takes to get there.

  • Example: Missing words - A non-technical manager may say "we need to store this dropdown control in the database". They probably mean " the value of this dropdown control..."
  • Example: Wrong words - A non-technical manager says "We need a bigger machine". They probably mean "we need a better-performing machine"


You might say "but this isn't fair - I was doing my job to the 'T', I was technically correct" Ah, but life is not fair. You can be right, or you can be happy. And (as I find out the hard way) if you want to be happy with other people, you're eventually need to master many things, including these three.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

BOOK: Complete MBA for Dummies

[This was originally posted at]

I'm always been intrigued by the non-coding aspects of a project that are necessary for that project to succeed. Much of this includes people and business skills. I keep hearing of co-workers who take business classes, and it sounds fun, but it takes more time than I have right now (building snow-dinosaurs, sandboxes, and Christmas lights for the kids takes a lot of time). So I settled for the next best thing: reading the Complete MBA for Dummies. I was impressed.

The book is a casual 400-page read, and certainly lives up the the "for dummies" genre. It offers an overview of starting a small business, from the basics of management to HR to accounting to marketing and economics. I liked the practical tone.

While a book like this doesn't fundamentally change one's view of business, it is useful to get one to casually think about business-concepts during the normal work day. For each project, it prompts me to ask questions like:

  • "where does the revenue come from?"
  • "who is paying for this project?"
  • "how will this project help the business?"
  • "can this thing I built actually be marketed?"
  • "who are the customers for this product?"

Continually keeping these types of questions in mind also helps a developer relate to business-sponsors, who are the people that ultimately write the developer's paycheck.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Coding is just the tip of the iceberg

[This was originally posted at]

I love coding. The more I do software engineering, the more I realize that coding is just the tip of the iceberg. Consider tasks besides coding that are required for a successful project:

  • Identifying a business problem such that business sponsors are willing to pay for the product
  • Recruit the team to build the project
  • Provide the team the tools to develop the app (hardware & software)
  • Collecting business requirements
  • Coordinating with business partners, such as those providing data that the product will use
  • Designing a functional spec
  • Creating the architectural and technical designs
  • Decide on build vs. acquire (buy, open-source)
  • Outsource part of the project
  • Managing the project
  • Procuring the physical infrastructure that the app is deployed on
  • QA testing the app (functional, integration, user-acceptance, performance, etc...)
  • Deploying the app
  • Write training manuals for the app
  • Training support staff and users
  • Marketing the app such that people actually use it
  • Supporting the app

From start to finish, actually coding for a project may only be 5% - 10% of the total effort. That means that there's a huge portion of the project that is non-coding, and that huge portion can often overcome difficult coding tasks.

For example, say there is a component that is just difficult to program (it's complex, it's big, it occurs outside your expertise, etc...) You could possibly get around coding it yourself by maybe:

  • Buying or open-sourcing it (example: use an open-source tool or class library from CodePlex instead of writing it yourself)
  • Training the internal end users around using that feature ("we know the website has a bug, but just don't click the browser back button")
  • Using project management to get it punted, or out of scope
  • Convincing the business sponsor that the feature is not needed ("we don't need to invest all that time making a dancing paper clip assistant")
  • Better hardware (example, upgrading hardware for better performance)

The stars who keep delivering successful projects are familiar with this, and they are constantly mitigating challenges in one task by giving up something that doesn't matter from another task.

Sometimes you can solve hard coding problems by just sheer skill and coding right through it. But it's good to be aware of other techniques to work around the problem altogether.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Estimating database table sizes using SP_SpaceUsed

[This was originally posted at]

One of Steve McConnell's tips from his great book on estimating (Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art) is that you should not estimate that which you can easily count. Estimating database table sizes is a great example of this. Sure, on one hand disk space is relatively cheap; on the other hand you want to know at least a ballpark estimate of how much space your app will need - will database size explode and no  longer fit on your existing SAN?

Here's a general strategy to estimate table size:

1. Determine the general schema for the table

Note the column datatypes that could be huge (like varchar(2000) for notes, or xml, or blob)

2. Find out how many rows you expect the table to contain

Is the table extending an existing table, and therefore proportional to it? For example, do you have an existing "Employee" table with 100,000 records, and you're creating a new "Employee_Reviews" table where each employee has a 2-3 reviews (and hence you're expecting 200,000 - 300,000 records)? If the table is completely new, then perhaps you can guess the rowcount based on expectations from the business sponsors.

If the table has only a few rows (perhaps less than 10,000 - but this depends), the size is probably negligible, and you don't need to worry about it.

3. Write a SQL script that creates and populates the table.

You can easily write a SQL script to create a new table (and add its appropriate indexes), and then use a WHILE loop to insert 100,000 rows. This can be done on a local instance of SQL Server. Note that you're not inserting the total number of rows you estimated -  i.e. if you estimated that table will contain 10M rows, you don't need to insert 10M rows - rather you'll want a "unit size", which you can then multiple by however many rows you expect. (Indeed, you don't want to wait for 10M rows to be inserted, and your test machine may not even have enough space for that much test data).

For variable data (like strings), use average sized data. For null columns, populate them based on how likely you think they're be used, but err on the side of more space.

Obviously, save your script for later.


SP_SpaceUsed displays how much data a table is using. It shows results for both the data, as well as the indexes (never forget the index space).

You can run it as simply as:

exec SP_SPACEUSED 'TableTest1'

Now you can get a unit-size per row. For example, if the table has 3000KB for data, and 1500KB for indexes, and you inserted a 100K rows, then the average size per row is: (3000KB + 1500KB) / 100,000. Then, multiple that by however many rows you expect.

This may seem like a lot of work, and there are certainly ways to theoretically predict it by plugging into a formula. My concern is that it's too easy for devs to miscalculate the formula (like forgetting the indexes, not accounting the initial table schema itself, or just all the extra steps)

5. Estimate the expected growth

Knowing the initial size is great, but you also must be prepared for growth. We can make educated guesses based on the driving factors of the table size (maybe new customers, a vendor data feed, or user activity), and we can then estimate the size based on historical data or the business's expectations. For example, if the table is based on new customers, and the sales team expects 10% growth, then prepare for 10% growth. Of if the table is based on a vendor data feed, and historically the feed has 13% new records every year, then prepare for 13% growth.

Depending on your company's SAN and DBA strategy, be prepared to have your initial estimate at least include enough space for the first year of growth.

6. Add a safety factor

There will be new columns, new lookup and helper tables, a burst of additional rows, maybe an extra index - something that increases the size. So, always add a safety factor.

7. Prepare for an archival strategy

Some data sources (such as verbose log records) are prone to become huge. Therefore, always have a plan for archival - even if it's that you can't archive (such as it's a transactional table and the business requires regular transactions on historical data). However, sometimes you get lucky; perhaps the business requirements say that based on the type of data, you only legally need to carry 4 years worth of data. Or, perhaps after the first 2 years, the data can be archived in a data warehouse, and then you don't worry about it anymore (this just passes the problem to someone else).


Here's a sample T-SQL script to create the table and index, insert data, and then call SP_SpaceUsed:

USE [MyTest]

if exists (select 1 from sys.indexes where [name] = 'IX_TableTest1')
    drop index TableTest1.IX_TableTest1

if exists (select 1 from sys.tables where [name] = 'TableTest1')
    drop table TableTest1

--Custom SQL table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TableTest1](
    [SomeId] [int] IDENTITY(100000,1) NOT NULL,
    [phone] [bigint] NOT NULL,
    [SomeDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [LastModDate] [datetime] NOT NULL

    [SomeId] ASC,
    [phone] ASC

--do inserts

declare @max_rows int
select @max_rows = 1000

declare @i as int
select @i = 1

WHILE (@i <= @max_rows)
    --Custom SQL Insert (note: use identity value for uniqueness)
    insert into TableTest1 (phone, SomeDate, LastModDate)
    select 6301112222, getDate(), getDate()

    select @i = @i + 1


--Get sizes


Sunday, December 13, 2009

How not to estimate

[This was originally posted at]

Being responsible for the end-to-end solution really makes me think about how to estimate. The flipside is that it also makes me think about how not to estimate:
  1. Wild guess - sometimes this seems like your only option, but most of the time there is ways to improve on the guess (base it on similar projects, or split it into components and estimate those individually).
  2. What you think the boss wants to hear - This may seem like the easy way to initially win favor with the boss, but it will come back with a vengeance when the estimate drastically deviates from reality. Also, because the boss always wants to hear lower schedule times, this has a huge bias that will send you off course.
  3. Base it on unrelated projects - Historical data is great, but don't compare apples to oranges. That a WinForm app took 3 months tells you almost nothing about how long an ASP.Net app will take.
  4. Pick an arbitrary big number - During crunch time, it's easy to think that everything will magically be better "next week" or "next month" ("that will give us enough time to fix everything),  but then that time rolls around and the project is still behind schedule.

All of these are bad estimation methods because they miss the fundamental point - how long will the project really take to build in the real world? Wild guesses or the boss's wishes are not necessarily grounded in reality, so basing estimates on them is barking up the wrong tree.

I realize it's easy to say "how not to do something". I'd recommend Steve McConnell's book, Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art, for how to do a great job of estimating.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why a manager may not want you to learn

[This was originally posted at]

I'm a huge advocate of learning. And it's natural for devs to want to pick up new stuff. However, many devs don't realize that they may report to a manager that actually wants to prevent them from learning new things - even on their own personal time. I think this type of manager is rare. However, it's good to be aware in case a manager is (perhaps unintentionally) "sabotaging" your learning.

I hesitated about writing this post lest it seem to cynical or jaded, but it's worth discussing as developers should be aware of such things. Note that there is not one specific person/event/incident that I have in mind, but rather glimpses of things over the last 10 years.

  • Their control - They may want to be in control, and you learning new things that they don't know takes away from their control.
    • They may want to understand the entire architecture themselves. It's sort of a "not built here" applied to a personal level - "If I don't already know it, it must not be necessary."
    • They may not want to learn the new stuff themselves. If you're a tech manager, and all your devs learn the next wave of technologies, it pressures you to learn the new wave as well, else you look obsolete.
    • They don't want you exposing their mistakes. Say a senior developer wrote a bad messaging framework. As long as no other employee has a clue about messaging, no one knows that they made a bad mistake.
    • They want you to "suffer" just like they did. Often new techs make it easier to do something, and rather than have the easy way out, you should do it the original way so you "understand what's really going on". Think using assembly language or C++ instead of a higher-level language like C#.
  • It doesn't support the immediate work
    • They may think it's a waste of time - "We've already invested in this architecture, we don't need anything else." Even though it's your own time, they'd rather you spend overtime on "useful features", like copying and pasting tedious code.
    • It competes with your day job - If you're researching some cool XNA technology, which is a lot more fun than the drudgery of some bad architecture, it may compete. Suppose you work at home, it might "distract" you.
    • It may be misapplied. New stuff is risky, and could be buggy or applied incorrectly - which would hurt the project.
    • Their afraid that "smart" developers are hard to manage. Smart developers can sometimes be total egomaniacs to work with (because they think they're so smart), and management may not want to even think about dealing with that.
  • You may leave
    • You may outgrow your company and leave-  If your company is stuck in the dark ages, they may want to keep everyone's technical skills "in the dark" as well, lest an employee "see the light" and leave.
    • It makes your more marketable, and you may leave. If you're stuck with some niche technology on an obsolete framework, you aren't very marketable and hence can't get another job, and hence your boss has tremendous control over you.

Examples of how a manager might unintentionally discourage a developer from learning:

  • Financially reject anything (like buying new books or tools or paying for a class)
  • Undermine your confidence ("Why would you need that") or question your motives.
  • Deny you resources, such as preventing you from installing anything on your machine (open source code, tools, etc...)
  • Never affirm new learning or innovation. They tell you "good job" for getting that feature done, but won't affirm picking up new technologies.
  • Never provide their software engineers with a continuing-education plan. Ask yourself, how do developers go "to the next level" in your team? Does management help them?

It's sad, but some companies are structured where it's not in the manager's best interests for the employees to "wise up". The managers want hard-working, honest people who are easy to manage, but they don't want to deal with innovation or smart developers.

LINK: Does your Project encourage learning

Thursday, May 28, 2009

BOOK: Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art

[This was originally posted at]

I personally have never met a developer who liked giving estimates. Indeed, it's an uphill battle. It's not just that developers don't like working on things which don't compile. It's also that amidst endless ambiguity, changing scope, and technical challenges, some boss pressures you into a specific date when a non-specific feature will be fully complete (with no bugs, of course). However, every aspiring tech lead must eventually fight this battle. Because software estimation is perceived as a "soft science", it's easy for devs to view it as some necessary tax to tolerate in order to get to the "real" work of coding. Therefore, many devs never try to improve their estimating skills, and hence there are a lot of bad techniques out there.

That's why I'm glad that superstar Steve McConnell dumped his wisdom into Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art. The book is filled with gems. Here are some of the key tips that I found practical:

  • "Distinguish between estimates, targets, and commitments".
  • Once you've given an estimate and schedule, control the project so that you meet the estimate (reduce scope, juggle staff, prioritize features, etc...). The schedule is not like a basketball that you toss in the air and hope that it makes the shot - rather it's like a football that you personally carry to the end zone.
  • "We are conditioned to believe that estimates expressed as narrow ranges are more accurate than estimates expressed as wider ranges." (pg. 18)
  • Steve emphasizes the "Cone of Uncertainty" - namely that initially, the project has many unknowns, and hence the estimate has a much larger range. However, as the project progresses and more issues become known, the range shrinks. Ironically, it is at the beginner of the project (where everything is most unknown), that many bosses want a stable, singular, estimate. Consider using phase-specific estimation techniques for different stages of the project - some techniques work better at the begininng with higher uncertainty, others work better near the end. Also, within the same project phase, consider using multiple estimation techniques to detect for converging (and hence more reliable) estimates.
  • Always have the people who do the implementation work also provide the estimates.
  • Sometimes, you can use group estimates. However, each developer should come up with their estimates separately, else the dominant person in the group will likely overly-influence everyone else (especially because most devs tend to be introverts). If their estimates differ greatly, then discuss why they're different, and iteratively keep re-estimating until they converge.
  • Collect historical data for past projects, which you can then use to assist with future estimates.
  • Count, Compute, Judge. If you can simply count the size somehow (lines of code, modules, etc...) - then that's best. If you cannot directly count, consider computing from things you can count. The point is you always want to avoid subjective judgments when there's a more objective alternative.
  • Try to estimate based off of objective quantities like historical data and lines of code, as opposed to subjective measurements like developer quality. The boss will heckle the subjective measurements: "Your estimate assumes only average developers, but we're paying for senior devs, so re-calculate with senior devs. Great, that saved us 1 month."
  • When the boss doesn't like the estimate, change inputs, NOT outputs. For example, don't just shave a month off your 5-month estimate because your boss will now be more receptive, rather change the inputs (such as reduce features) so that recalculating the estimate now results in 4 months.
  • Establish a standard estimation procedure for your department. By following an objective set of steps, you (the estimator) have a level of "protection" from all the business sponsors who want a lower estimate. For example, you might say "Our standard procedure, which historically returns estimates within a 20% accuracy, always adds 15% risk buffer for this type of application." Then you aren't the "bad guy" for adding the "extra" 15% (funny how anything that increases an estimate is seen as "extra", not "striving for accuracy").
  • When presenting your estimates (and schedules), don't even bother presenting nearly impossible scenarios. The boss will just assume that you'll be lucky and of course hit the most optimistic number that is mentioned.
  • Always give an honest estimate. Don't lowball the estimate just so that you're boss accepts it - doing so will screw you with an impossible schedule, which will also destroy your credibility ("you can't even hit your own estimate!") If an honest estimate is too high, it is the business sponsor's decision to reject the project, not the developers.

Lastly, consider checking out Construx Estimate.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Management decisions for good developer cost-benefit ratios

[This was originally posted at]

I've often seen development groups (or their managers) dismiss a good idea with "we can't afford it." The irony is that the group is already "affording" other expenses - developer salaries, MSDN licenses, hardware, and office space - so the question really becomes not "are there funds", but rather "what is the best way to spend our funds". There are at least three common examples where, for some reason, many managers shun the best cost-benefit ratio.

Problem 1: "We cannot afford a star developer - let's get two average developers instead."

The irony is that one star developer is far more profitable than two average developers. The star will build complex things that a dozen average developers will never be able to dream of. The star will write more solid code that spares you costly production errors. The star will solve the same problems faster by leveraging advanced techniques (like code generation, refactoring, or just elegant solutions). So, if you're creating a team of more than 10 developers, exchanging the bottom two spots for 1 star is a good investment. ThoughtWorks, a world-class consulting firm, does a good job of demonstrating the profitability of this business model.

Problem 2: "We cannot afford that tool - just do it another way instead."

Say you spend somewhere between $70K-$120K on an average developer (not just salary, but benefits, payroll taxes, etc...).  Let's use $100K for easy numbers. At 50 work-weeks (assume 2 weeks of vacation), that's $2000 a week to pay for a developer - i.e. $50 an hour. So, a $50 tool that saves your developer one hour a year is a break-even investment.

Now about the "power tools" out there - like CodeSmith (for code generation), or ReSharper (for refactoring), or Simian (for detecting code duplication), or NDepend (for code metrics) - say it's a few hundred per tool (i.e. less than 0.5% of your developer labor cost). However, a tool like CodeSmith fundamentally changes the rules of the game, and can save a development team hundreds of hours. Sure, you can try to find open-source alternatives to each of these, and if you find something that fills the niche you need - great. A similar problem applies to hardware (where's there's not an open-source alternative)- for example when management "saves" $200 by not providing sufficient memory on a laptop, such that every hour of coding is sluggish due to a slow machine.

For many groups, a manager refusing to fund this kind of software engineering "equipment" (sounds classier than just "tools"), is like telling a construction worker to dig a trench - but we can't afford a $20 shovel, so use this spoon instead. Again, if a company is creating a 5 person development team, better to have only four people, but funded with the right equipment, then five developers who need to dig with spoons.

Problem 3: "We cannot afford that book - just see if you can figure it out from free, online tutorials."

Of course everyone knows that continuing education is vital in software engineering. In the manager's perfect world, they have a team of self-motivated developers who study on their own time, paying for their own materials, and learning at their own expense. And then, the manager (who has contributed nothing) gets to benefit from having all these learned developers. While yes, a developer is ultimately responsible for their own learning and career, a wise manager would realize that the company has a huge vested interest in the developer's learning, and would hence do things to encourage that learning.

Perhaps the most basic thing a manager could do is to have the company pay for a book that the developer is motivated to read. A book costs between $30 and $50 dollars. If a developer spends 20 of their own hours (on nights and weekends) over a month reading and absorbing that book, such that they can now profit the company with a new skill, this is a no-brainer. It could cost management thousands to send a developer to training (plus the days off work). It could cost management additional thousands to fix mistakes resulting from the developer not knowing that profitable technology. A book is cheaper, can be re-read by other developers, and is often read off the clock. Money speaks, so if management can't even encourage a motivated developer's learning with a $30 every other month, they're effectively telling developers that management doesn't value learning.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bad estimate trick - playing people off of each other

[This was originally posted at]

One estimating technique I occasionally saw in consulting, which I thought was pathetic, is as follows:

The consultant faces a domain-specific problem that they're not familiar with (say writing reports, or doing some database optimization, or wiring up a backend service). So, they intend to sub-contract it out. They interview two separate contractors, and ask each for an estimate. The consultant, in their sneaky mind, figures that they'll play the two contractors off of each other to get the "real estimate", and whichever estimate is lower must be the honest and correct one.

The biggest mistake I see here is the bias that whatever is lower is more correct. Developers are notorious for low-balling estimates (especially if the manager demands a low estimate in order for the developer to continue), so this is historically a bad bias. It's just as likely, or more likely, that the higher estimate is actually closer to the truth.

I think a much better approach is to find a way to determine who the more reliable and experienced developer is, and go with their estimate, even if it's the higher one.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The non-financial resources at a manager's disposal

[This was originally posted at]

A good manager knows what resources they have at their disposal, and how they can exchange those resources for other things. The most basic resources are budget and headcount. But a creative manager can find a lot more:

  • Offering interesting projects and opportunities
  • Letting developers work from home (less driving is good for the environment too!)
  • Offering your time to hear out the devs.
  • Opportunity - If a dev is interested in a certain new technology, consider offering that if they research this task on their own, then potentially the team can leverage it - which means they can learn a ton more about it.
  • Work hours - to avoid rush-hour, or coordinate with work-life balance, let the devs come in an irregular hours (like 6am-3pm).
  • Offer encouragement - some developers are motivated knowing that their boss supports them and publicly appreciates the good job they've done.
  • Permit devs to install safe games on their laptop.
  • Give them a "free" PTO day to go to an in-town conference (Yes, time is money, but for some reason, mgrs and bureaucracies are more apt to give you time than money).

Even a little money can be stretched a long ways:

  • If they're working overtime at the office, consider at least buying them lunch or dinner. I remember on a death-march consulting gig when my manager kept bringing us lunch. He explained that if we're working 4 hours of overtime (say $400 billable dollars), he could at least help by getting us a $10 lunch. I thought he was a really good manager. Sure, he got the better end of the deal, but it was still a nice gesture.
  • Buy a book to encourage them to learn. Yes, it's ultimately the developer's responsibility to learn, but if they're going to spend 20 hours pouring over a book to learn a technology that helps the company, a $30 investment is a no-brainer.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We need to get this done

[This was originally posted at]

Anyone can say “we gotta get this done ”. Sometimes this is just a broken record - everything is top priority and needs to be done now - but sometimes a specific task is truly on the critical path and is blocking other people.

Telling a developer to essentially "hurry up" won't get things done faster, it will just annoy the developer, or perhaps make them hurry and write sloppy code which will cost you more in the long run.

While I'm certainly no management expert, I'd expect at least a few questions you could ask any developer are:

  1. Everything considered (other tasks, meetings, misc distractions, research time, expected delays, possible overtime) - what date and time can the developer have this done by? Note that you want a date, not "how many hours do you think this will take". An 8-hour task may spread across 3 days if there are other distractions. Get an honest, unrushed date based on the developer's estimate. Note that you also want a time. Does "Wednesday" mean 8:00am, or midnight? This also gives the developer a concrete goal to shoot for, as opposed to "get it done real fast".
  2. Is there anything that can help the developer get this done faster (delegate sub-tasks, better hardware/software, tools, a technical roadblock holding you up, pair programming with another dev)? The goal is for the manager to offer practical help by shifting around resources. If this task is really so important, then it is important enough to provide extra resources too.
  3. Acknowledging that surprises do come up, so you understand if the date cannot be met, but the developer should at least alert you as soon as they reasonably think they can no longer meet the date - and provide an updated estimate. The goal is to not get suddenly surprised on the target date with a late feature.

Of course, it also helps to work in smaller increments with verifiable milestones along the way. It can be easier to manager 5 small 1-week "milestones" than a single big 1-month project.

All of these involve give and take. Yes you can have it be a certain date, but the developer determines what that date is. Yes you can have it earlier, but you need to provide the developer more resources. Yes you won't be surprised on the target date with bad news, but that's because the developer is encouraged to tell you the bad news up front.