Thursday, August 28, 2008

LCNUG presentation on Silverlight

[This was originally posted at]

Yesterday I had the opportunity to present at the LCNUG about Silverlight. It was our third meeting and we had about a dozen people. Given the deep talent, it was very humbling. With a small group of talented people, the presentation became more of a back-and-forth discussion, which is great.


You can download a copy of the PPT presentation here: (I tried using Cliff Atkinson's ideas from Beyond Bullet Points.)


Here was the abstract:

Silverlight is a new Microsoft technology to radically enhance the UI experience. Silverlight provides several huge benefits, like a vector-graphics API, programming in a compiled .Net language (like C# or VB), a rich object model, and finally solving the cross-browser problem. We will provide a general overview of Silverlight, with an emphasis on common gotchas and where to learn more.

This is the second time I've been able to present at a user group - previously I discussed MSBuild as an automation language.

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