Every sprite-based game eventually needs two things from images: transparency and animation. In TruckWars, I use this all over the place.
Transparent - You can make an image be transparent by just using a transparent png (I don't think Silverlight supports transparent gifs yet), which you can easily create in Paint.Net.
Opaque - You can also make it opaque by just setting the built-in Silverlight opacity property on an image.
Animation is a litter harder. There are different takes on this. Two main categories of approaches are (A) have a single large image which contains all the frames, and then clip that image every x milliseconds, or (B) have a separate image for each animation frame, and then update the image source every x milliseconds. I prefer option A because it's much easier to manage, but requires a little extra coding to do the clipping.
About option A, for example, the smoke cloud consists of four separate frames:

You then animate it by displaying one frame every x milliseconds. (Note that I used sprites for a smoke effect instead of a particle system because the sprite is much faster). The question becomes now - how do I clip this image? Ultimately I'll use the Silverlight clipping property - but how do you set what the clip should be?
Some people would just use the built-in storyboard technique with key-frames to update the clip region. My problem with that is (1) I didn't know how to manage that for multiple objects such that I could pause-on-demand and have the animation freeze, and (2) that's Silverlight-specific, so learning it wouldn't help me in other scenarios, like XNA, (3) I just didn't have the motivation to learn the new technique yet. So, instead I decided to build code to manage my own clip updating.
You can see the code for this in the TruckWars download: Tank\Tank.Test\Tank.Core\SpriteBase.cs, however, here's a quick overview. The code runs on the same gameClock than runs everything else. It keeps track of the current frame, and has two animation options: Repeat or RunOnce. For example, the water repeats its animation, but the smoke only runs once and then gets removed from the game. At every cycle of the gameloop, it checks if enough time has passed (in this case, 200 milliseconds), and then potentially draws the next frame.
To actually display the new animation requires two things: (1) clip the image to the size of a single frame (48 x 48), but then also offset the images left position such that that frame appears in the same place
//set clip
RectangleGeometry r = new RectangleGeometry();
r.Rect = new Rect(intFrameIndex * this.Size.Width, 0, this.Size.Width, this.Size.Height);
MainImage.Clip = r;
//apply offset
this.MainImage.SetValue<double>(Canvas.LeftProperty, 0 - intFrameIndex * this.Size.Width);
Here's more complete code:
#region Animation
protected int _intFrameIndex = -1; //Default to -1 because Update runs first, and increments it to 0 right away
private const int AnimationFrameCount = 4;
private int _TimeToWaitForAnimation = 200;
public int TimeToWaitForAnimation
return _TimeToWaitForAnimation; //wait x milliseconds between animation frames
_TimeToWaitForAnimation = value;
protected double _dblTimeOfLastAnimation = 0;
public bool FinishedAnimationCycle
return ((_intFrameIndex) >= AnimationFrameCount);
private AnimationCycle _AnimationCycle = AnimationCycle.Repeat;
public AnimationCycle AnimationCycle
return _AnimationCycle;
_AnimationCycle = value;
protected void ResetAnimation()
_dblTimeOfLastAnimation = 0;
_intFrameIndex = -1;
public void DrawAnimation(double dblElapsedGameTimeMS)
bool blnShouldUpdate = ShouldUpdate(dblElapsedGameTimeMS);
if (!blnShouldUpdate)
_dblTimeOfLastAnimation = dblElapsedGameTimeMS;
if (this.AnimationCycle == AnimationCycle.Repeat)
if (_intFrameIndex + 1 > AnimationFrameCount)
_intFrameIndex = 0;
private bool ShouldUpdate(double dblElapsedGameTimeMS)
if (Convert.ToInt32(dblElapsedGameTimeMS - _dblTimeOfLastAnimation) < TimeToWaitForAnimation)
return false;
return true;
/// Animation is done by giving a single image with multiple frames, and then displaying one frame at a time.
/// For performance reasons, this only redraws the image if the FrameIndex has changed. Therefore repeatedly calling this
/// method in a loop should not degrade performance, as it will just cancel out once the image is set (and until the image is changed).
public void DrawFrame(int intFrameIndex)
if (intFrameIndex == _intLastDrawnFrame)
return; //Already at the correct frame, don't waste resources re-drawing.
//set clip
RectangleGeometry r = new RectangleGeometry();
r.Rect = new Rect(intFrameIndex * this.Size.Width, 0, this.Size.Width, this.Size.Height);
MainImage.Clip = r;
//apply offset
this.MainImage.SetValue<double>(Canvas.LeftProperty, 0 - intFrameIndex * this.Size.Width);
_intLastDrawnFrame = intFrameIndex;
private int _intLastDrawnFrame = -1;
private Image MainImage
return (this.root.FindName("Image1") as Image);